How we Control Quality & Our inspection Procedure :
We normally follow AQL 2.5 inspection method:
This is how normally we do. Please advise if you have any suggestion or any special requirement.
At first we hand over the order to our merchandiser and QA people. These teams are responsible for this order. Every morning they discuss the whole status in the daily meeting with our CEO or Merchandising Manager.
After we receive and review the PO sheet we request buyer to open the Master L/C.
Mintime factory makes the fit sample and place it to Merchandiser and after checking they send it to buyer. Our QA and merchandiser study together with approved FIT samples and the comments form buyer.
After receive the fabrics and accessories in factory our merchandiser checked all of them . Then we ask factory for final PP sample and as per buyer comments Factory will make final P P sample that we send to buyer and after getting comments on PP sample from the buyer we permit for start the products.
One of the QA and merchandiser concerning that particular order stay in the factory from morning to evening at the Production time and they place everyday daily inspection report to office. in this report they mentioned all problems and what they did for that problems and also always signed by the factory PM . Like this way they will do their work until final inspection/shipment.
After satisfactory final inspection and approved by the buyer we shipped the goods .